Friday, March 25, 2011

Rockin' the Tai Chi Website

Some may know I have recently been doing some web development for my affinity associations. It started with the bonsai club, and that went so well other people have been asking me to see what I could do for them. Well, the folks at the T'ai Chi classes asked me to help out and so I've begun workin' it out for them. When I'm done with this one I'll get cracking on the stamp club web page...

OK, here's the old tai chi index page...note the cheesy bamboo wall paper, unceremoniously pasted, super-size logo and clunky scrolling marquee. Blech! With all due respect, kudos to the group for having a page at all, but seriously, they needed help. Alec to the rescue!

To see it in action visit Old Tai Chi Page

Now I took my time, simplified the layout and added a bit of style to the page. The same info is all still there, so that will all need to be updated and formatted, etc., but it's a bit more inviting and a lot easier on the eyes...

Check it out...the yin-yang in the logo spins...such a simple detail changes the entire impact of the logo. Bam! Now that's something! see it in action here

Again, there's a lot more work to do improving the site overall. At the end of the day it's about blending content and style with intuitive navigation for ease of use. This happens over a period of time, with 100 tiny edits and adjustments once you have the basics down.

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